Call Center Telepharmacy Services
Our Call Center helps clients in so many ways:
Let your “on-call” telephone calls come through us! We can handle questions from patients, physicians, and nurses. We can execute after hours protocols like emergency drug access, or borrow and loans.
Let us jump in and support Technician Order Entry, either real time, or overnight.
Do you have too many phone calls? Let our live call services take your phone calls and leave your staff to working on the priorities in front of them. We quickly communicate the call needs to your staff when appropriate.
The TelepharmRx Call Center team will answer phone calls from on-site clinical staff members during specified hours to answer pharmacy and medication questions, assist with problem solving, and ultimately field each call to determine if the on-call pharmacist needs to be contacted to come on-site
Do you have an on-call requirement for pharmacists or technicians? Call Center Rx coverage is a very effective service that takes the headache, sleeplessness, and stress out of being a pharmacist or tech on call 24/7.
Do you have a different problem? We can manage clinical programs to customer calls 24/7. Call today to see how we can improve your pharmacy productivity and employee satisfaction.
(866) 964-2638 Extension 103
Connect With TelepharmRx
Call Center Options:
- Clinical Calls
On Demand Remote Verification
Scheduled and On Demand Technician Order Entry
Overflow or All Phone Call Screening and Handoff
Long Term Care Emergency Drug Dispensing
Medication Reconciliation for any portion of the Continuum of Care
Prescription Video Verification and Remote Dispensing
- Mail order and specialty calls and logistics
Advantages of Our service:
Scalable services save you money when it does not make sense to hire a fully devoted team member.
Exceptional support during staff shortages, even for sick calls and vacations.
“Our nurses feel so much more clinically confident when Indispensable Telepharmacy is there to support them”